Resources on Implementing and Overseeing Electronic Voting and Counting Technologies
Recommendations and Guidelines on Implementing E-Voting and Counting
Last updated on December 17, 2013
Caarls, Susanne: ‘E-voting Handbook: Key Steps for Introducing E-voting’, Council of Europe, 2010
Council of Europe, ‘Certification of E-Voting Systems’, 2011
Council of Europe, ‘Guidelines on Transparency of E-enabled Elections’, 2011
Council of Europe, ‘Legal, Operational and Technical Standards for E-Voting’, 2004
EC-UNDP Joint Taskforce on Electoral Assistance, ‘Procurement Aspects of Introducing ICTs Solutions in Electoral Processes’, 2010
Goldsmith, Ben, ‘Electronic Voting & Counting Technologies: A Guide to Conducting Feasibility Studies’, International Foundation for Electoral Systems, 2011
International IDEA, ‘Introducing Electronic Voting: Essential Considerations’, 2011
Norden, Lawrence D. and Lazarus, Eric, ‘The Machinery of Democracy: Protecting Elections in an Electronic World’, Brennan Center for Justice, 2007
Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, ‘Electronic Voting: Challenges and Opportunities’, 2006.
US Election Assistance Commission, ‘Voting System Testing and Certification Program Manual’, 2011
US Election Assistance Commission, ‘Voluntary Voting System Guidelines’, 2005
Yard, Michael, ‘Direct Democracy: Progress and Pitfalls of Election Technology’, International Foundation for Electoral System, 2010
Overseeing Electronic Voting and Counting
Carter Center, ‘Handbook on Observing Electronic Voting’, 2012,
International IDEA, Voting from Abroad: The International IDEA Handbook on External Voting (Stockholm: International IDEA, 2007), Chapter 9, ‘Observation of External Voting’
Organization of American States, ‘Observing the Use of Electoral Technologies’, 2010
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), ‘In Preparation of Guidelines for the Observation of Electronic Voting’, October 2008
OSCE/ODIHR: Handbook for the Observation of New Voting Technologies. Warsaw, 2013.
Pran, Vladimir and Merloe, Patrick, ‘Monitoring Electronic Technologies in Electoral Processes’, National Democratic Institute, 2007
Vollan, Kåre, ‘Observing Electronic Voting’, Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, 2005
Internet Voting and Voting from Abroad
International IDEA, Voting from Abroad: The International IDEA Handbook on External Voting (Stockholm: International IDEA, 2007), Chapter 10, ‘E-voting and External Voting’
Trechsel, Alexander and Vassil, Kristjan, ‘Internet Voting in Estonia: A Comparative Analysis of Four Elections Since 2005’, European University Institute, 2010
Other Resources on E-voting and Counting
Barrat I Esteve, J, Goldsmith, B. and Turner, J., ‘International Experience with E-voting’, IFES, 2012
Jones, Douglas W., ‘Some Problems with End-to-End Voting’, University of Iowa, 2009
McGaley, M. and Gibson, J.P., ‘Electronic Voting: A Safety Critical System’, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, 2003.
Oostveen, A.-M. and van den Besselaar, P., ‘Security as Belief: User’s Perceptions on the Security of Electronic Voting Systems’ , Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Zetter, Kim, ‘The Cost of E-Voting’, Wired Magazine, 2008