Success Story

Nigeria Election Watch 2011

Citizens of Africa’s most populous country will go to the polls in April to elect their leaders for the fourth time since Nigeria’s transition to civilian government in 1998-99. NDI is conducting an international observation mission to analyze the electoral process before, during and after the elections. This is the third in a series of reports based on the observations of NDI’s long-term observers, who are assessing the electoral process in each of Nigeria's six geopolitical zones from January through May 2011.

March 15, 2011

In this edition:

  • Election facts covering number of registered voters, states not holding gubernatorial elections and political parties
  • Claims and objections period following voter registration shows improvements, but concerns remain
  • Election commission considers system that requires all voters to remain for extended periods at their polling stations
  • Legal challenges to candidate lists threaten timely ballot printing and delivery


Past Editions

Pictured above: A voter registers in the North East.


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