This toolkit introduces reporters, journalists, bloggers and media workers to simple yet effective practices to keep secure important information and communications. It also introduces several excellent online resources where you can find additional information, tutorials and software.

تكلّم بأمان: كتيّب للعاملين في مجال الإعلام من أجل استخدام الإنترنت والهاتف الجوّال بأمان

الناشر: إعداد وإنتاج مانيشا آرييل منشورات منظمة «إنترنيوز».

Nonpartisan citizen observers play an important role during elections by raising public confidence in the election process, deterring electoral malfeasance, exposing irregularities, and providing citizens with important information concerning the integrity of elections.

A step-by-step manual for candidates, political party activists, and campaign staff, the new Campaign Skills Handbook guides users through a comprehensive process for planning and implementing electoral campaigns. The handbook includes 11 modules, with practical worksheets and exercises, covering Political Parties; Leadership; Research, Strategy and Targeting; Voter Contact; Policy; Message Development; Communications Strategy and Skills; Campaign Planning; Mobilizing Resources; and Getting on a List.

The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) as part of its Research and Policy in Development (RAPID) program, has looked at the links between research and policy for several years. This handbook presents work in progress on tools for policy impact particularly targeted at civil society organizations, whose activities involve gathering evidence, doing research, and putting forth strategies for social, environmental, and economic development. The handbook offers a wide variety of tools relating to research, context assessment, communication, and policy influence.


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