The representatives of PPP, PML-N, PML-Q, ANP and MQM, reaffirm their commitment to strengthen women’s participation in political parties through this National Action Plan.

This handbook serves as a basic toolkit for domestic civic organizations conducting election monitoring programs. Drawing on the experiences of NDI partner organizations around the world, it lays out the key elements involved in observation of the entire election process.

NDI has created a guide for elected representatives seeking to effectively organize and carry out constituent relations. The guide offers practical approaches and advice gained from the working experiences of legislators around the world.

نسج العلاقات مع الناخبين

الناشر: دليل الممارسات الفضلى - منشورات المعهد الديمقراطي الوطني.

Note: The first link below connects to the English-language version of the article. The second link connects to the French version, and the third link connects to the Portuguese.

Note: The first link below connects to the English-language version of the article. The second link connects to the French version, and the third link connects to the Portuguese.

Note: The first link below connects to the English-language version of the article. The second link connects to the French version, and the third link connects to the Portuguese.

By synthesizing information gathered from surveys distributed to Councils around the world, this report is intended as a tool to learn from the experiences of existing National Youth Councils, encourage future cooperation among Councils, and inspire their creation where they currently do not exist.

مجالس الشباب الوطنية

الناشر: إعداد كلاريس كهلر سيبرت وفرانسيسكا سيل – منشورات منظمة TakingITGlobal.


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