This political party study/training manual is built on three fundamental characteristics of successful political parties, as identified by NDI through its work with political parties in over 50 countries since 1983. It sets out best practices for political parties to adopt in order to improve performance, whith party trainer modules on internal democracy, transparency and outreach. While these modules were developed for Latin American parties, they can be applied to parties worldwide.

This publication identifies the steps for establishing and maintaining an NGO, including planning and fundraising. Best practice theories, examples, and exercises allow the reader to apply what is read either individually or in a group setting.

كيف تبني منظمة غير حكومية صغيرة وجيدة

الناشر: إعداد ألن، دو بوير، فرير، فان غينيكين، كلاسن، مبانه، موكويلتي، موينيهان، أوديرا، سواين، تاج الدين، وتيودوروس – متوافر لدى موقع “نتوورك ليرنينغ” Networklearning.


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