After working with several African institutions, the SARA Project discovered that research alone, based on a problem and solution approach, is not enough to change policy. Affecting policy change requires coordinated advocacy. Designed for researchers, managers, and NGO personnel, this guide provides practical guidance on how citizens can shape policy through effective advocacy campaigns.

مدخل إلى المدافعة: دليل تدريبي

الناشر: إعداد ريتا أ. شارما.

This guide targets governments and parliaments considering the adoption of gender-sensitive budgets. It covers the issues, methods, and strategies faced during the first year of implementation. Although the manual uses a practical approach, it also reviews applications stemming from emerging research. The data is drawn from countries with other gender-sensitive budgets in place or in the process of initiation.

Access to government records and information is vital to the functioning of a modern government, to stimulating public discussion, and to nurturing citizen trust. This document surveys the state of freedom of information in countries that have adopted comprehensive national laws on access. The publication also includes a general discussion of common features of Freedom of Information laws as well as factors to consider when adopting this type of legislation.

NGOs can play an important role in the democratic process and make citizen’s concerns heard by lobbying parliament. This guide outlines the various types of lobbying and provides an introduction to effective approaches and tactics for lobbying parliament.

محاولة الضغط على البرلمان: دليل المنظمات غير الحكومية

الناشر: منشورات المعهد الديمقراطي الوطني.

This book primarily addresses women political candidates and women in public life interested in building or strengthening their skills in media presentation. It provides practical guidance on how to conduct a meaningful interview and deliver an inspiring speech.

دليل إعلامي للمرأة: العثور على صوتك العام

الناشر:منشورات الوكالة الأميركية للتنمية الدولية.

This toolkit provides organizations with tips, tools, and ideas on how to handle media - related situations, such as requests for interviews, press statements, and media crises. Recommendations are also made on how organizations can use the media to send out clear messages about project goals and achievements.

كيفية التعامل مع وسائل الإعلام

الناشر:إعداد كارين هرت - منشورات منظمة CIVICUS (سيفيكيس).

This guide reviews the principles and conditions that must exist for democratic elections to take place, the media’s role in covering an election campaign and the role of responsible media. IMPACS is a Canadian charitable organization committed to the protection and expansion of democracy and to strengthening civil society. This manual was written and translated into Arabic by IMPACS; a limited number of copies were reprinted by NDI with the permission of IMPACS.

Designed for political parties and candidates, this manual is designed primarily for women and lays out the basic principles of creating a winning election campaign. Containing useful questionnaires and worksheets, this manual concentrates on the basics and is an excellent resource for first time candidates in small races.

إعداد مخطط حملة فعّالة

الناشر: إعداد أودري ماك لاغلن وجنيفر ماورو - منشورات المعهد الديمقراطي الوطني.


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