This manual, published jointly by NDI and IFES, addresses the challenges, opportunities and risks to adopting and monitoring electronic voting and counting technologies. The manual is designed as a resource for democracy and governance specialists, election management bodies, election observers and political parties. It offers 25 country examples, including three in-depth case studies on Brazil, the Netherlands and the Philippines, highlighting lessons learned with these technologies, as well as practical nearly 20 checklists of key considerations.

Part of the Political Parties and Democracy in Theoretical and Practical Perspectives series, this publication discusses key issues that political parties may want to consider when selecting candidates for legislative office. In addition to theoretical and empirical research, the publication includes case studies of 10 political parties from around the world.

الأحزاب السياسية والديمقراطية من الناحيتين النظرية والعملية - اختيار المرشحين للمناصب التشريعية

الناشر: إعداد سيفاكور أشياغبور - منشورات المعهد الديمقراطي الوطني.

The Campaign Skills Trainer’s Guide features a comprehensive curriculum and customizable content, enabling trainers to facilitate high-impact, experiential workshops on political skills and best practices for candidates, campaign managers and/or political party activists. Modules can be taught individually or in any combination, providing organizers with training options ranging from a stand-alone workshop on one topic to an in-depth, multi-day campaign school.

This series of six field guides is designed as an easy-reference tool for domestic non-partisan election observers. Field guides are intended to complement the other NDI manuals available on domestic election observation in this catalogue. Planning for Election Observation: how to make a detailed plan to support all aspects of your election observation effort.

أدلة ميدانية لمراقبة الانتخابات

الناشر:منشورات المعهد الديمقراطي الوطني.


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