NDI E-news: Democracy Day, Middle East, Cambodia | Sept. 2009


September 15, 2009

Happy Democracy Day!

A woman in Bangladesh casts her vote  

NDI wishes you a happy International Day of Democracy, an annual global celebration of human rights, the rule of law and other principles that unite democracies around the world. This day, Sept. 15, was designated by the United Nations to reaffirm the universality of democratic values and recognize the aspirations of people around the world to determine their own political, economic, social and cultural systems.

Supporting and strengthening democratic institutions is the main mission of NDI, which works in nearly 80 countries to advance citizen participation, safeguard elections and promote open and accountable government. Our primary focus is people — bringing together individuals and groups to share ideas, knowledge, experiences and expertise with the goal of improving the responsiveness and effectiveness of democratic governance. You can learn more about our work at www.ndi.org.

Afghans Pursue Democracy Despite Violence

Polling station workers in Kabul prepare ballots for counting during the Aug. 20 elections.  

NDI, which fielded more than 100 international and Afghan observers for Afghanistan's Aug. 20 presidential and provincial council elections, found that aspects of the election were in accordance with democratic principles. But the Institute also identified serious flaws in the process that needed to be addressed and offered 17 recommendations for improvements. The delegation's full preliminary statement can be found here.

Last week, as election authorities grappled with what they termed “clear and convincing evidence of fraud,” NDI expressed deep concern, noting that “it will be impossible to determine the will of the Afghan people” unless those issues are addressed.

The August delegation was led by former U.S. Senator Gary Hart; Karl Inderfurth, former U.S. assistant secretary of state for South Asian affairs; John Manley, former Canadian deputy prime minister and foreign minister; Nora Owen, former minister of justice in Ireland; Karin von Hippel, co-director of the Post-Conflict Reconstruction Project and senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies; Jamie Metzl, executive vice president of the Asia Society; Kenneth Wollack, president of NDI; and Peter Manikas, NDI's director of Asia programs.

Both Hart and Manley wrote op-ed pieces about their experiences. In addition, Metzl coauthored an op-ed with Christine Fair of Georgetown University, who also was an NDI election observer.

Inderfurth, von Hippel and other members of the election mission spoke about their impressions and answered questions about the vote at an event sponsored by the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Read more about the event and watch the video»

NDI has been working in Afghanistan since early 2002 and has since conducted programs to promote the participation of Afghan civic groups and political parties in the country's political and electoral processes. A major component of NDI's work involves building the capacity of provincial councils, the only elected bodies below the national level.



Code of Conduct Takes Macedonia Toward Democracy and Europe

Macedonian Code of Conduct Campaign symbol  

With its eye on membership in the European Union, Macedonia held peaceful local and presidential elections this spring without the violence that marred previous polls. The success of the election process was attributable, in part, to a Code of Conduct campaign that rallied political party leaders, candidates and voters alike to show that Macedonia can hold elections consistent with international standards. Chris Henshaw, NDI's resident director in Macedonia, discusses the Institute's history with Code of Conduct campaigns in Macedonia, dating to 2002, and their effect on the country's democratic transition.

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Latest Iran Bulletin Explores Religion and Politics

Nasr Al Molk  

Iran's religious institutions play a prominent role in the country's politics. Now, the disputed presidential election and its violent aftermath have led members of the Iranian religious establishment to question the moral, legal and religious foundations of the Islamic Republic. Prior to the election, Shi'a clerics mostly debated the relative balance of the Republic's Islamic and democratic aspects. Now debate has shifted to the fundamental nature, pillars and theoretical justifications for the regime itself.

NDI has been chronicling developments in Iran since February in its Iran Bulletin. Read the latest issue»

Save the Date!

NDI Celebrates its 25th Anniversary.  

NDI will celebrate its first quarter century with a special event on Nov. 3 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC. More details will be available on the NDI website.



Training the Next Generation of Leaders...

...in the Middle East

Participants in the YWLA  

Convening for the second year in Doha, Qatar, NDI's Young Women Leaders Academy brought together women aged 19 to 28 from across the Middle East who aspire to political careers. The women came from 12 countries to learn political skills and increase their knowledge about how to run a successful campaign and advocate effectively for a cause.

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Meet some of the women who participated in the YWLA.

... in Latin America

NDI's Political Leadership Program, now in its 1oth year, brings together young leaders from Latin America to study international best practices. During the last decade, participants from 56 major political parties and movements from across the ideological spectrum have learned about political party renewal and reform. This year, national academies were held in Ecuador, Mexico and Peru for 69 emerging leaders who learned about the role of political parties, transparency and outreach, and planned individual projects for their parties.

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Meet some of the attendees.

Visiting Cambodian MPs See Congress Up Close

Cambodian MPs meet with members of Congress  

Members of Cambodia's National Assembly, seeking to strengthen democracy in their country, visited both the U.S. Congress and the Maryland State Capitol as part of a recent study mission focused on issues of transparency, public access and the balance of power in government. The visit was sponsored jointly by NDI and the Institute for Representative Government.

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The National Democratic Institute is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working to support and strengthen democratic institutions worldwide by promoting citizen participation, openness and accountability in government.



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