SSuNDE Welcomes the Signing of Cessation of Hostilities

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday,  27  January 2014,  Juba  –  The  South Sudanese Network for Democracy and Elections  (SSuNDE) strongly appreciates  the effort of  the  Intergovernmental Authority  on Development (IGAD), supported by the African Union (AU),  for having endlessly and humanely committed  itself  to  standing with the people of South Sudan to see to it that peace continues to prevail in this new nation without the use of arms.

SSuNDE commends the signatories for  signing  the  cessation of hostilities  and remains hopeful that this will end the violence  that has lasted for  more than  one month,  which has created massive loss of lives  and  property,  and  vast displacement of citizens within and outside the country.

SSuNDE urges the signatories to commit themselves to the signed peace agreement without violation,  find a  pathway for the remaining outstanding issues to be discussed,  and build confidence in the mediating team  and  likewise  other international  communities  that  are supporting the peace process.

We equally call upon the international and national communities to support IGAD in setting up  a strong body that will  monitor  implementation of  this  Agreement,  such as the AU, the European Union(EU),  the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and the  United States of America (USA); as well as  civil  society  organizations, community leaders  and religious leaders in South Sudan.

We urge  all  sides to allow the humanitarian aid workers to execute their duties without interference. Experience has shown that the support of the international  community  and humanitarian aid workers  has been very instrumental,  especially  that of  UNMISS. Without its support a massacre would have taken place in South Sudan.

Dialogue should begin among the  South Sudanese  across the  10  states  involving community  leaders,  religious leaders and, especially,  civil  society  organizations  (CSOs) representing every sector. The  CSOs  should  take  the lead with support from  the international community. The dialogue will provide a peaceful environment that is tolerant of diversity.

SSuNDE calls  upon all the  media  houses both national and  international  to exercise professionalism when sending messages at this critical moment so that peace will be forged easily among South Sudanese.    

We urge the parties  that  signed the cessation of hostilities agreement to remain  committed to the negotiation on the remaining outstanding issues as scheduled by IGAD.

The South Sudanese Network for Democracy and Elections is the largest and most vibrant civil society network in South Sudan with over 75  civil  society  organizations  as members (CSOs). Formed in April 2009 and registered with the Ministry of Justice, SSuNDE became a national coalition with activities all over the  10  states of South Sudan through its  network of CSO member organizations in each state.

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Jerry Hartz

Director of Government Relations and Communications

1 (202) 728-5500

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Author: South Sudanese Network for Democracy and Elections
Publisher: National Democratic Institute
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