2019 Win With Women Assessment Toolkit
The Win With Women Political Party Assessment (WWW Assessment) is an initiative designed to help political parties become more inclusive and representative through an assessment that gauges men and women's perceptions of women in leadership, the types of social norms held by members of parties, and the individual, institutional and socio-cultural barriers to gender equality.
How to Use This Publication
Win With Women: Building Inclusive 21st Century Parties and the accompanying Win With Women Assessment have been designed to help political parties to better understand the barriers and opportunities facing women within their ranks and, by providing a platform for dialogue on party reform, allow political parties to gain a clear understanding of how they can leverage existing opportunities to build more inclusive parties and achieve electoral success.
The publication provides detailed guidance on and resources for conducting an assessment using the updated WWW Assessment Tool. It takes the assessor - whether a party member or a practitioner - through each step of the assessment process, and indicates the information needed to make informed decisions about conducting an assessment, as well as any advocacy efforts after its completion.
The publication consists of three parts: a methodology, the updated WWW Assessment, and updated Global Action Plans. Each section of the methodology contains a specific “Tool Box” that includes resources, such as instructions for conducting surveys, interviews and focus groups, and sample documents, presentations and other handouts. The Tool Box in many sections include additional resources aimed at supporting the management of the Assessment. The methodology and tools complement each other and are designed to be used together, but they may also be used separately. Readers can click through the links in each chapter’s Tool Box to access the resources for that chapter.