Participants of the Young Political Leaders Program - Anhelina Stynych, Rostyslav Tistyk, Halyna Vasylchenko.

Organized with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and in cooperation with the European Parliament, the trip brought together thirteen members of parliament (under 40 years of age) from all four Ukrainian parliamentary factions. Also in attendance were young representatives from parliamentary groups as well as non-parliamentary political parties and movements, such as the Ukrainian Democracy Alliance for Reform (UDAR), the Centre for Policymaking, and the Social Democracy (SD) Platform.
Participants met with various Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), such as David McAllister, Co-Chair of the Democracy Support and Election Coordination Group and Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. McAllister provided valuable insights into the EU's foreign policy priorities and ways in which the EU supports Ukraine. In other meetings, participants covered topics such as how to build consensus among opposing viewpoints, the significance and challenges of youth engagement in politics, and how the EU integrates new languages, such as Ukrainian, into its operations. Reflecting on these meetings, one participant remarked, “The program is necessary, timely, and of high quality. We need to delve into the processes and details of the work of EU institutions.” YPL not only gives Ukrainian leaders a chance to familiarize themselves with EU governance, but also provides a forum for sharing solutions to common challenges facing diverse, multilingual democracies - reflecting the findings from NDI’s May 2024 polling that found 93% of Ukrainians want their country to grow into a fully-functioning democracy.
Another participant had this to say about YPL: “The Young Political Leaders Program helped me understand better how the European Union and its institutions work, how decisions are made, and how democratic reforms are implemented. I was very pleased to learn that all of them are doing everything possible so that Ukraine finally takes its rightful place among the countries of Europe.”
Although the YPL program is just getting started, participants have already established valuable contacts and will start applying the experience they gained in Brussels to their work in Ukraine.
Over the next several months, NDI will continue building upon the YPL program with online events and trainings, as well as in-person visits, to support young Ukrainian leaders in their efforts to strengthen Ukrainian democracy with needed reforms and deepen Ukraine’s integration with the European Union.
Authors: Olena Bazylivska - Parliamentary Senior Program Officer and Viktoriia Tyschenko - Parliamentary Senior Program Assistant
NDI’s engagement with this program is implemented with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS).
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NDI is a non-profit, non-partisan, non-governmental organization that works in partnership around the world to strengthen and safeguard democratic institutions, processes, norms and values to secure a better quality of life for all. NDI envisions a world where democracy and freedom prevail, with dignity for all.