The Risk And Reward Of Monitoring Elections In The Middle East

NPR Morning Edition | Link to story»

Iraq is suffering the worst spate of violence in many years — some say the worst since the height of the U.S. war in 2008. On Friday, dozens of people were killed at an election rally in Baghdad. This Wednesday, Iraqis will go to the polls in the first parliamentary election since the U.S. pulled combat troops out in 2011.


It is our hope that the security of the IDPs is at the top of the agenda of both the government and rebel forces to ensure that humanitarian agencies are able to provide assistance without any obstruction or fear for their safety. The onset of the rainy season remains our major concern because it threatens the lives of IDPs. The first heavy rainfall resulted in flooding and the collapse of temporary shelters of IDPs at many camps across the nation. Such dire conditions resulted in outbreaks of water borne diseases such cholera, acute watery diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, and malaria.

This guidebook describes how to use IT in order to effectively engage young people in civic and political activities. In addition to describing IT tools and their specific uses, the guide also includes important strategic tips, a glossary of technology terms, and case studies of effective campaigns.

استخدام تكنولوجيا المعلومات استراتيجياً لإشراك الشباب في المواطنة العالمية

الناشر: إعداد سيفاكور أشياغبور - منشورات المجلس الكندي للتعاون الدولي.

Malawi Holds First-Ever Presidential Debate April 22

Nyasa Times | Link to story»

For the first time in the history of democracy in Malawi, the country will hold presidential candidate debates which are slated forApril 22 and 29 and May 6, 2014 organised by the National Media Institute of Southern Africa—Malawi Chapter—and approved by Malawi Electoral Commission.



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