Follow Mandela's Example in Côte d’Ivoire | Dec. 23, 2013

Globe and Mail | Link to story  »

Beyond Nelson Mandela’s extraordinary personal generosity and vision, what was also celebrated at his death was the clear evidence that the most divided societies can be brought together if there is leadership at home and support from the international community.


NDI Publishes Results of Public Attitude Survey | Dec. 20, 2013

Rustavi2 | Link to story  »

National Democratic Institute has published the results of the survey of the ratings of political parties and leaders. According to the research, Minister of Defense Irakli Alasania and the President of Georgia Giorgi Margvelashvili are the most popular government leaders in Georgia with a 72 percent approval rating each, while 61 percent rate the Georgian Dream Coalition as the “party” closest to them.


Ouattara Promises More credible Electoral Process in 2015 | Dec. 16, 2013

Daily Times Nigeria | Link to story  »

The President of Cote d’Ivoire, Alassane Ouattara, has promised to put in place a credible electoral body to ensure a free and fair presidential election in 2015.

A government statement issued on Monday in Abidjan quoted Ouattara as making the promise at a press conference in Yamoussoukro to mark the end of his state visit to the region.


'Now We Have Hope': Libyans Confident Despite the Rise of Armed Militias | Dec. 15, 2013

NBC News | Link to story  »

More than two years since former dictator Moammar Gadhafi was ousted, Libya is still trying to take control of one of his unfortunate legacies – the proliferation of armed militias set up to fight him.


US Organization Optimistic on Afghan Elections | Dec. 9, 2013

Associated Press | Link to story  »

An American organization tasked with furthering democracy in developing nations said Monday that while elections next April in Afghanistan are unlikely to be perfect, they should be better than previous polls marred by widespread fraud.


President Karzai meets US National Democratic Institute Leadership Delegation | Dec. 7, 2013

The Kabul Times | Link to story  »

President Hamid Karzai met with the delegation of the US National Democratic Institute at the Presidential Palace the other day during which they discussed the status of the coming presidential election.


Le NDI en Mission a Abidjan Pour Evaluer les Preparatifs de la Presidentielle de 2015 | Dec. 6, 2013

StarAfrica | Link to story  »

Une mission internationale de l’Institut National Démocratique (NDI) est attendue à partir de dimanche en Côte d’Ivoire à l’invitation du Gouvernement Ivoirien, pour évaluer les préparatifs de l’élection présidentielle de 2015.


North Africa: SMS to Help Monitor Elections in the Arab World | Dec. 2, 2013

AllAfrica | Link to story  »

Civil society organisations in Egypt and Tunisia are investigating quicker, more effective ways of monitoring elections using text messaging (SMS).

Tunisia is expecting an election in six months, and the Egyptian government has promised to hold a presidential election "very soon".

Link to story »


Libyans: Optimistic, Want Security and Democracy, Unhappy with GNC and Reject Militias – Survey | Nov. 28, 2013

Libya Herald | Link to story  »

A public opinion survey financed by the Danish Foreign Ministry and conducted by the American National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the Danish JMW Consulting makes some revealing insights into the views of Libyans on security, democracy, militias, Islam, political parties, women etc.



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