The Pinochet Miracle: 25 Years Ago, Chile Said ‘No’ to a Brutal Dictator, and He Went Away | June 25, 2013

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In this age of cynicism, with democracy under attack around the world and with gridlock and partisanship paralyzing America, the 1988 No Campaign in Chile and the recent film about it, called No, offer a timely message of hope and inspiration. I recently saw the movie, and it was a wonderful reminder of an important event in the struggle for democracy in our world.


Corruption Continues to Plague Iraq | June 21, 2013

Wall Street Journal | Link to story  »

Corruption in Iraq’s bloated public sector is on the rise, according to tens of thousands of government workers who responded to a recent survey by the country’s Commission on Integrity.


Regent Receives Delegation of National Democratic Institute | June 20, 2013

Jordan News Agency | Link to story  »

HRH Prince Faisal bin Al Hussein, the Regent, on Thursday received a delegation from the US-based National Democratic Institute (NDI) and discussed the latest regional developments and challenges.


A Judicial Travesty in Egypt | June 15, 2013

New York Times | Link to story  »

Human rights in Egypt have remained under attack even after the 2011 revolution that ousted President Hosni Mubarak. Still, it was a shock when the Cairo Criminal Court convicted 43 employees of foreign nonprofit groups, including 16 Americans, on criminal charges and gave them prison sentences of one to five years.


Egypt Court Convicts at Least 16 Americans of Stirring Unrest | June 4, 2013

Associated Press | Link to story  »

An Egyptian court on Tuesday convicted 43 nonprofit workers, including at least 16 Americans, of illegally using foreign funds to foment unrest in the country, sentencing them to up to five years in jail.


Former US Chief Diplomat Madeleine Albright to Assist Burma in Reform | June 3, 2013

Irrawaddy | Link to story  »

Former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who is in Burma for the first time since 1995, told the leaders of Burma’s political parties that the National Democratic Institute (NDI) is willing to assist the country in its ongoing transition to democracy.

Albright is on a five-day visit to Burma, arriving on Friday and meeting with Burmese political parties, ethnic leaders and civil society organizations on Sunday.


Colombia Panel Examines Impact of Out Politicians, Officials | May 31, 2013

Washington Blade | Link to story  »

More than 150 people attended a panel discussion in the Colombian capital on Thursday that discussed how out politicians and elected officials can advance the LGBT rights movement in Colombia and in the United States.


Women, Technology and Exploring the Line between Empowerment and Manipulation | May 29, 2013

Washington Post | Link to story  »

What can and should be done to increase women’s access to technology in the world, and, once they have access to it, where does empowerment stop and manipulation begin?


Ghana Transfixed as Court Case Throws Elections into Doubt | May 29, 2013

Chicago Tribune | Link to story  »

Ghana's Supreme Court must decide in the coming months whether or not to overturn December elections that handed the presidency to John Mahama, in a rare case of African judicial vigour that has transfixed the country.



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