Réconciliation Nationale / Charles Konan Banny : Les Ivoiriens ont Raison d’être Impatients | Dec. 5, 2012

Abidjan.net | Link to story  »

Les observateurs avertis de la scène politique et certains acteurs politiques l’ont maintes fois relevé, le processus de réconciliation nationale n’évolue pas à un rythme convenable qui permette de faire bouger les lignes et projeter la Côte d’Ivoire vers la sortie de crise.


Mauritanie - Médias: Le NDI Veut Former 45 Journalistes | Dec. 3, 2012

Alakhbar | Link to story  »

Dans le cadre de son projet d’appui à l’engagement citoyen en Mauritanie, financé par Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) de la Coopération Britannique, l’Institut National Démocratique pour les Affaires Internationales (NDI), a lancé samedi une série de formations organisée au profit de 45 journalistes Mauritaniens.


Forum National des Femmes : Pour une Pleine Participation des Maliennes à la Transition | Nov. 30, 2012

MaliJet | Link to story  »

Le forum qui s’achève aujourd’hui vise à créer les voies pour une pleine participation des femmes dans le processus de transition au Mali. Il a été organisé par l’Institut national pour la démocratie (NDI) en partenariat avec le Causus des femmes élues locales du Mali (CFELM) avec l’appui financier de l’ambassade du Royaume de Danemark au Mali.


NDI Calls for Clear Process on Forming Parliamentary Governments | Nov. 28, 2012

The Jordan Times | Link to story  »

A US-based nonprofit organisation on Tuesday said Jordan will need to “clarify the process of government formation” to achieve His Majesty King Abdullah’s vision of parliamentary governments.


17 International Observers to Monitor Elections to Local Councils in Kyrgyzstan | Nov. 23, 2012

24 | Link to story  »

17 international observers will monitor the elections to local councils in Kyrgyzstan. The Kyrgyz Central Election Commission (CEC) informed.

Reportedly, the observers from Georgia, Kazakhstan, the National Democratic Institute and the U.S International Republican Institute, the East-West Center, the International Foundation for Electoral Systems from Turkmenistan and the United States have been accredited.


NDI Hosts a Conference on Women’s Involvement in Politics | Nov. 16, 2012

The Messenger Online | Link to story  »

The National Democratic Institute (NDI) hosted a conference called "Win with Women: Strengthen Political Parties" at the Tbilisi Marriott Hotel on November 15th.


Kyrgyz CEC Registers 6 International Observers for Local Councils’ Elections | Nov. 12, 2012

24 | Link to story  »

Central Election Commission of Kyrgyzstan has registered six international observers for election of deputies to the local councils. The decision was made at today’s session.


Kenya Inter-Party Youth Federation Ends Peer-to-Peer visit with APPYA | Nov. 6, 2012

Africa Young Voices | Link to story  »

The Kenya Inter-Party Youth Forum (KPYF) has yesterday ended a five day peer-to-peer visit in Sierra Leone where the association interacted with members of the All Political Parties Association (APPYA) in Sierra Leone.


PM: Jordan is Committed to Holding Free and Transparent Elections | Nov. 5, 2012

Jordan News Agency | Link to story  »

Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour said Jordan is committed to holding free and transparent parliamentary elections and providing all needed support to the Independent Elections Commission, IEC which will oversee and manage the polls.


NOA, Civil Society Groups, Mobilise Support For Constitution Review | Nov. 3, 2012

The Guardian | Link to story  »

THE planned Peoples’ Public Sessions by the House of Representatives, through which it intends to take the constitution review process to the grassroots across the 360 federal constituencies, will play a great role in ensuring that ordinary Nigerians participate in the process.



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