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Note: The first link below connects to the English-language version of the article. The second link connects to the French version, and the third link connects to the Portuguese.

Note: The first link below connects to the English-language version of the article. The second link connects to the French version, and the third link connects to the Portuguese.

Note: The first link below connects to the English-language version of the article. The second link connects to the French version, and the third link connects to the Portuguese.

By synthesizing information gathered from surveys distributed to Councils around the world, this report is intended as a tool to learn from the experiences of existing National Youth Councils, encourage future cooperation among Councils, and inspire their creation where they currently do not exist.

مجالس الشباب الوطنية

الناشر: إعداد كلاريس كهلر سيبرت وفرانسيسكا سيل – منشورات منظمة TakingITGlobal.

This report is based on a qualitative study conducted by the People’s Mirror Strategic Research Center in partnership with the Consultative Committee on Human Rights (CCDH) for the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) on voter apathy during the legislative elections of September 2007.

This publication provides a comprehensive overview of information technology applications for civic activism. The Training Guide presents and reviews basic online etiquette, guidelines for using email in activism and outreach, web design tips, and information regarding online fundraising. In addition, the publication includes a comprehensive appendix listing resources for the virtual activist.

Written in cooperation with NetAction, this publication is a primer on virtual activism. It includes chapters on the effective use of online media and email alerts as well as tips on cyber security. The publication also includes an appendix with numerous resources for the online activist. (Available only in electronic form)

توظيف الإنترنت لغايات الاتصال والتنظيم

الناشر: منشورات المعهد الديمقراطي الوطني.

Developed by TakingITGlobal, this publication is designed to guide young activists through the program development and implementation process. The Guide includes numerous engaging exercises to present key concepts and best practices in an accessible and interesting manner.

دليلك للعمل الفعّال: خطوات بسيطة على طريق التغيير

الناشر: منشورات منظمة TakingITGlobal (تايكينغ إت غلوبل).


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