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Parliamentary committees play an important role in promoting and protecting human rights within their countries. This paper discusses the different structures of parliamentary committees which address human rights issues, how these committees interact with human rights organizations, and examples of legislative initiatives undertaken by these committees. It also outlines best practices for human rights investigations and tools that MPs can use to address human rights issues.
This toolkit provides organizations with tips, tools, and ideas on how to handle media - related situations, such as requests for interviews, press statements, and media crises. Recommendations are also made on how organizations can use the media to send out clear messages about project goals and achievements.
كيفية التعامل مع وسائل الإعلام
الناشر:إعداد كارين هرت - منشورات منظمة CIVICUS (سيفيكيس).
Citizen access to government information is essential to developing and maintaining a civil and democratic society. This handbook discusses the benefits of and precedents for freedom of information laws. It also serves as a guide to developing and implementing successful versions of these laws. Suggested best practices are derived from the experiences of a variety of nations.