The National Democratic Institute (NDI) has released its final report on the Nov. 29, 2009, general elections in Honduras, reiterating the opportunity and responsibility of President Porfirio Lobo and other newly-elected leaders to do everything possible to overcome divisions in the country. NDI’s hope is that the report can provide Hondurans and the international community with an impartial and independent analysis of those elections to assist in the process of national reconciliation.

The National Platform for Women is a concise and persuasive document that identifies priority issues for Iraqi women and provides sound recommendations for government policy and political party action. Written by a group of women representing Iraq’s regional, political, ethnic and religious diversity, this document includes consensus policy positions on a number of issues, including: healthcare, education, economic empowerment, and political participation.

البرنامج الوطني للمرأة

الناشر:منشورات المعهد الديمقراطي الوطني.

Bahrain: Streamlining the Voting Process | Jan. 26, 2010

Gulf Daily News| Link to story  »

A leading human rights organization yesterday called on the Bahraini government to open up this year's parliamentary elections to international monitoring. Bahrain Human Rights Society (BHRS) secretary general Abdulla Al Derazi said his organization was in constant contact with international adjudicators such as NDI and believed it was a natural progression for the 2010 elections to be scrutinised in this way.


African Election Experts Call for Reforms to Enhance Credibility of African Elections | Jan. 7, 2010

Africa Center for Strategic Studies| Link to story  »

"In a recently released communiqué, election experts and practitioners from across Africa have called on African countries to ratify the African Union’s (AU) charter on elections and enforce its standards to achieve more peaceful and credible elections...



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