This guide reviews the principles and conditions that must exist for democratic elections to take place, the media’s role in covering an election campaign and the role of responsible media. IMPACS is a Canadian charitable organization committed to the protection and expansion of democracy and to strengthening civil society. This manual was written and translated into Arabic by IMPACS; a limited number of copies were reprinted by NDI with the permission of IMPACS.

Designed for political parties and candidates, this manual is designed primarily for women and lays out the basic principles of creating a winning election campaign. Containing useful questionnaires and worksheets, this manual concentrates on the basics and is an excellent resource for first time candidates in small races.

إعداد مخطط حملة فعّالة

الناشر: إعداد أودري ماك لاغلن وجنيفر ماورو - منشورات المعهد الديمقراطي الوطني.


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