Mexican Election Watchdog Under Pressure in Sunday's Vote | June 30, 2012

Reuters | Link to story  »

Such irregularities would be almost impossible for electoral authorities to catch, said Julian Quibell, representative of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) in Mexico.

"These things probably happen but it's not very efficient and not very widespread," Quibell said. "It's not going to change the outcome of the national election."


American NGOs Will Provide Election Monitors to Georgia | June 29, 2012

The Messenger | Link to story  »

The US Government will support election observation teams in Georgia for the forthcoming parliamentary elections in order to ensure the pre-election environment and the parliamentary elections meet international standards for free and fair elections.


NDI Mission to Assess Pre-Election Environment | June 24, 2012 | Link to story  »

The National Democratic Institute (NDI) will conduct a pre-election assessment mission to Georgia, a U.S.-based group, working on political party development and democracy programs in Georgia since 1994, said on Sunday.


International Witnesses and the Legal Framework of Egypt's Elections | June 20, 2012

Corporate Counsel | Link to story  »

“Years back, observing was haphazard—groups would go in and come out quickly,” says Les Campbell, the National Democratic Institute’s regional director for the Middle East and North Africa.



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