TIRANA, Albania – Concerns over unemployment, high prices and tax burdens were voiced by Albanians who participated in focus group research conducted by the National Democratic Institute (NDI) last December.

These immediate concerns offset the majority of participants’ assessment that Albania is generally heading in a positive direction.

NDI delegation holds talks at Uzbekistan Legislative Chamber

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Regional director of National Democratic Institute for Eurasia (NDI) Laura Jewett held talks with the chairperson of the Committee on international affairs and interparliament relations of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan Ulugbek Muhammadiev on 18 February 2015.

The visit was aimed at studying opportunities of NDI on efficient assistance in implementation of reforms in Uzbekistan, the press service of the lower house of the Uzbek parliament said.


The following paper summarizes recommendations gathered during the regional workshop “Roles and Responsibilities of Legislative Services in Parliaments” organized by the National Council of the Slovak Republic (NCSR) and National Democratic Institute (NDI) in Casta –Papiernicka, Slovakia from November 5-7, 2014.


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