Corruption Continues to Plague Iraq | June 21, 2013

Wall Street Journal | Link to story  »

Corruption in Iraq’s bloated public sector is on the rise, according to tens of thousands of government workers who responded to a recent survey by the country’s Commission on Integrity.


Libyans Engage With Officials On Air | May 24, 2013

IWPR | Link to story  »

An innovative radio series in Libya is allowing people to connect with members of parliament and other public officials, and increasing the scope for dialogue around critical issues of political transition.

By the end of June 2013, 19 programmes will have gone out. IWPR has partnered with the National Democratic Institute on some of the programmes, which are being funded by USAID and the British Foreign Office.


Dialogue's Importance Lies in Content and Outcomes | Feb. 13, 2013

Yemen News Agency | Link to story  »

President Abdo Rabbo Mansour Hadi stressed on Wednesday the dialogue conference's importance lies in its content and outcomes not in the portion of participation or attendance.


Liberia Needs Stringent Land Reform Laws - Two Lawmakers Share Views | Dec. 18, 2012

AllAfrica | Link to story  »

Two legislators appearing on the latest edition of the National Democratic Institute(NDI)and the Liberian Media for Democratic Initiatives(LMDI) USAID sponsored legislative spotlight standard version to share their thoughts on Liberia's Land reform process have called for a drastic reduction in the level of bureaucracy required in the process of acquiring land in Liberia.


NDI Uses Mobile Phone Technology to Enhance Communications Between Legislators | Dec. 14, 2012

In Profile Daily | Link to story  »

For the first time, constituents in Liberia’s 73 electoral districts will now benefit from a new information-on-demand service about the work of their Representatives and Senators in the National Legislature.



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