Campaign Manual Launched | Jan. 24, 2012

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A manual to guide politicians on effective campaign strategy has been launched. The book, Leadership and Campaign Academy, was developed the the National Democratic Institute to provide insights on how to assess ones strengths and weaknesses.


US to Work with Arab Spring's Islamist Parties | Nov. 7, 2011

AP | Link to story  »

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton declared Monday that the Obama administration would work with ascendant Islamist parties of the Muslim world, answering one of the central U.S. policy questions resulting from the Arab Spring.


Parties Sign Open and Safe Elections Pledge | Nov. 3, 2011

Awoko | Link to story  »

Four Political Parties: All Peoples’ Congress (APC), Sierra Leone Peoples’ Party (SLPP), People’s Movement for Democratic Change (PMDC) and the National Democratic Alliance (NDA), yesterday signed an open and safe elections pledge in Freetown.



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