Andy Campbell, Afghan Election Observer | September 18, 2009

Yass Tribune| Link to story  »

Many people have jobs centered around a computer, construction work, open properties or service counters in violence-free suburbs or towns.

Andy Campbell works for NDI. His job doesn't always comprise cushy work in a safe environment.

Earlier this month, Andy returned from the central Asia nation of Afghanistan, where he was posted by NDI to observe the elections.


In Praise of Election Observers | September 12, 2009

The Guardian| Link to story  »

Monitors ensure by and large that polls are fair, or, if they are not, that those who fix them are named and shamed. NDI and other groups send observers worldwide. Many spend months preparing for polls, trying to educate voters and officials.


Fraud, Threats and Lack of Women Mark Afghan Elections | August 31, 2009

World Focus| Link to story  »

Afghanistan's election commission said today that President Hamid Karzai continues to hold a wide lead over the former foreign minister Abdullah Abdullah. But the results continue to be clouded by reports of fraud, which have increased substantially in recent days.


Intimidation and Fraud Observed in Afghan Election | August 23, 2009

New York Times| Link to story  »

Reports of fraud and intimidation in Afghanistan’s presidential election continued to mount Saturday, with anecdotal but widespread accounts of ballot-box stuffing, a lack of impartiality among election workers and voters casting ballots for others.

A particular concern was the notably low turnout of women, who election observer organizations, including NDI, said were disproportionately affected by the violence and intimidation.


Taliban cut off fingers of 2 Afghan voters | August 23, 2009

USA Today| Link to story  »

Millions of Afghans voted in the country's second-ever direct presidential election, although Taliban threats and attacks appeared to hold down the turnout, especially in the south where President Hamid Karzai was expected to run strongly among his fellow Pashtuns. The Washington, D.C.-based National Democratic Institute had observers in 19 provinces.



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