Voices from Guatemala: Stories of Inclusion and Change
This compilation of eight stories highlights the observation efforts of local partner organization Citizen Action (Accion Ciudadana, AC) and the nine-member observation coalition Electoral Watch (Mirador Electoral) that were originally published on NDI’s blog. These groups conducted a comprehensive program to monitor the pre-election environment as well as the electoral process and polls on election day. Following elections, NDI conducted interviews with observers across the country to hear their personal testimonies, which focus on different thematic areas of the observations and provide insights on the impact of observations in the communities and lives of the observers. The majority of the stories were translated into a Mayan language. NDI believes that including articles in the native language of the people telling their stories is important in a multilingual society such as Guatemala. NDI printed the series to distribute in the mostly rural communities that participated in observation initiatives. The print version also includes findings from the external evaluation that supports the individual stories and experiences shared in the stories.