In congressional testimony July 14, NDI's Les Campbell, senior associate and regional director for Middle East and North Africa programs, gave an update on the state of Tunisia’s democratic transition.
“Tunisia's transition, symbolized most powerfully by the adoption of its new constitution and election of a new parliament and president, has moved forward in fits and starts, but remains on track, setting Tunisia apart from stalled or reversed transitions in neighboring countries,” said Campbell.
He testified at a hearing, “Tunisia’s Fragile Democratic Transition,” put on by the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa.
Campbell concluded, “To ensure the current security concerns and economic challenges do not encourage undemocratic intervention in the process, it is important that the U.S. government continue to support the new Tunisian government as it makes difficult choices, encourage peaceful debate and competitive politics, and stay engaged with the new legislature to nurture accountability and representation in decision making.
Les Campbell has served as senior associate and director of North Africa and Middle East programs since 1996.