An analysis of the constitutional system of checks and balances in different types of government systems. Written before the approval of the Iraqi constitution through a nationwide referendum, this paper was prepared for the UN Project on Constitution-Making in Iraq. (Available only in electronic form)

السلطات التنفيذية والتشريعية والقضائية: الضوابط والموازين واستقلال القضاء

الناشر: إعداد بركات سيلاسي – مشروع الأمم المتحدة.

This compilation includes statutes from nine political parties of different ideological backgrounds, geographic locations and size. Drawing from the statutes included in this publication, the introduction uses selected examples to highlight how different political parties have addressed various organizational issues.

أنظمة الأحزاب السياسية في مجموعة مختارة

الناشر: منشورات المعهد الديمقراطي الوطني.

Aung San Suu Kyi Looks Ahead to a Free Burma | Sept. 20, 2012

Human Events | Link to story  »

After a flight across the ocean, a major ceremony on Capitol Hill, and a meeting with President Obama at the White House, anyone would be exhausted. But not Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of the opposition party in Burma’s parliament and, for more than two decades, the voice of freedom in a nation under a heavy-handed military dictatorship.


McGuinty to Help Assess Ukrainian National Election | Sept. 17, 2012

Your Ottowa Region | Link to story  »

Ottawa South MP David McGuinty joined a team of experts sent to the Ukraine to assess the country’s upcoming parliamentary election.

McGuinty is a member of a U.S.-based National Democratic Institute (NDI) delegation which was sent to check out the country’s electoral conditions ahead of the country’s national elections on Oct. 28.


Legislators Study Tour on Affordable Housing | Sept. 13, 2012

The Liberian Times | Link to story  »

Members of the 53RD legislature, in partnership with The National Democratic Institute (NDI) has concluded a weeklong tour (3-8 September 2012) for the sole purpose of to examining the nature of housing conditions faced by the poor, vulnerable and low income earners in the country using a quick scan survey approach.

Link to story »


Interview: Morgan Tsvangirai in US | Sept. 11, 2012

New Zimbabwe | Link to story  »

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai - recently in North Carolina, USA, to attend the Democratic National Convention - sat down for a wide-ranging interview with the Voice of America's Violet Gonda. Here is the transcript of their discussion:


South Sudanese Official Praises Obama's Candor | Sept. 7, 2012

Voice of America | Link to story  »

Luka Biong Deng, co-chairman of the Abyei Joint Oversight Committee and a former Sudanese government minister, said he was impressed with U.S. President Barack Obama's acceptance speech Thursday at the Democratic National Convention in the U.S. state of North Carolina.

Deng attended the three-day convention as a guest of the National Democratic Institute (NDI).


Student, Alum Explore Democratic Convention | Sept. 6, 2012

The Daily Eastern News | Link to story  »

While students may have been tuning into the Democratic National Convention this week, an Eastern student and graduate experienced President Bill Clinton’s speech first-hand and met with political leaders across the country.


NDI Final Pre-Election Poll Receives Mixed Reviews | Sept. 6, 2012

The Messenger | Link to story  »

Final pre-election polls conducted by the National Democratic Institute( NDI) shows that jobs remain the most important issue and likely turnout is high for the coming parliamentary elections.



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