Liberia: NDI Boss Challenges Community Radios | Aug. 22, 2012

AllAfrica | Link to story  »

The Liberia Media for Democratic Initiatives (LMDI) and the National Democratic Institute (NDI) for International Affairs with support from the USAID, have officially launched a six-month radio program named and styled, the "LEGISLATIVE SPOTLIGHT".


Meles Zenawi, 1955-2012: Leader Left Indelible Mark on Ethiopia | Aug. 21, 2012

PBS Newshour | Link to story  »

When he died in a Belgian hospital on Monday at 57, Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi left behind a country indelibly shaped by his life and career. The next few weeks of assessments and obituaries will determine how the past few years will be leveraged against the preceding 30...


In Yemen, Women Take One Step Forward, Two Steps Back | Aug. 20, 2012

VOA | Link to story  »

A halting and sometimes violent transfer of governing power is under way in Yemen and if the transition goes smoothly, one of the biggest beneficiaries could be the nation’s women.

And Susan Markham, director of women’s political participation at Washington’s National Democratic Institute, said Yemen is “moving in the right direction.”


Public Can Attend Free Convention Forums | Aug. 19, 2012

Charlotte Observer | Link to story  »

Members of the public can sign up for a chance to hear political leaders, journalists and other experts weigh in on policy topics such as campaign finance and poverty during the upcoming Democratic National Convention.

Tickets are available starting Monday for free events hosted Sept. 4-6 by the International Leaders Forum. To sign up, visit


Speaker of Parliament Launches ICT System to Link MPs with Electorate | Aug. 14, 2012

UG Pulse | Link to story  »

In an effort to reduce the gap between parliamentarians and their constituents, Development partners have developed a communication technology system that will enhance efficiency in people’s representation.


LMDI/NDI Plan Community Outreach Program | Aug. 8, 2012

The Inquirer | Link to story  »

TThe Liberia Media for Democratic Initiatives (LMDI) in partnership with the National Democratic Institute NDI for International Affairs Liberia Office announces the launch of the conduct; production and broadcast of a six- month long series of a set of media and community outreach blended radio programs, named and styled, “The Legislative Spotlight” with focus on the 53rd Legislature of Liberia.


Ivanishvili Speaks of Worst, Best and Average Case Scenarios for His Coalition | Aug. 3, 2012

Civil Georgia | Link to story  »

Leader of Georgian Dream opposition bloc, Bidzina Ivanishvili, said that winning three-fourth of seats in the 150-member Parliament in the October 1 elections was “the best-case scenario” for his coalition.

He said in an interview with the Tbilisi-based media outlet, Obieqtivi, that the Georgian Dream was expecting to win “two-third or close to two-third of seats” as its “average-case scenario”


Lajčák Ends His Trip to the USA | July 30, 2012

Slovak Spectator | Link to story  »

Meetings with officials from the National Security Council (NSC) and key NGOs as well as Slovaks living in the US marked the end Slovakia’s Foreign Affairs Minister Miroslav Lajčák’s visit to the US, the TASR newswire reported on July 27.


Prospects of Three Forces in The Parliament | July 27, 2012

The Messenger | Link to story  »

Soon after NDI published its survey results, another survey was carried out by IRI. Overall, the outcome of both surveys was proved to be quite satisfying for the ruling party. The results of both surveys were very similar. In short, according to data gathered by both NGOs, the three major Georgian parties will be well-represented in the next Georgian parliament.



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