Hadi Receives Director of NDI in Yemen | July 24, 2012

Yemen News Agency | Link to story»

President Abdo Rabbo Mansour Hadi met here on Monday with the newly-appointed Director of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) in Yemen Nora Nicolas.

They reviewed the activities being presented by the institute in the areas of technical experiences related to the democratic approach.

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Moroccan Youth Find Their Voice | July 19, 2012

Bikya Masr | Link to story»

This September, 30,000 Moroccan youth aged 16 to 30 will participate in a nationwide discussion on the development of a new youth council.


Libya's Liberal Alliance Likely to Take Shape over Iftars | July 19, 2012

The National | Link to story  »

Although this was the first poll since the late Muammar Qaddafi began his autocratic rule 43 years ago, and Libyan politicians and people stress that politics is a new phenomenon to them, observers say that political negotiations are going ahead.


NDI Releases Public Opinion Survey | July 10, 2012

Civil.ge | Link to story»

Those who believe that Mikheil Saakashvili should not become PM after his presidential term expires have only a slight edge over those who have opposite view with substantial number of respondents undecided, according to a new public opinion survey released on July 10.


Islamists, Liberals Sure of Victory in Libya Vote | July 7, 2012

Agence France Presse | Link to story»

The fate of Libya's parties rides on the tribal and personal networks they can tap into in the run-up to the elections, what alliances are likely to be developed in the congress, and the impact of their advertising.


Libyans Begin to Embrace the Political Process | July 5, 2012

Washington Post | Link to story  »

On a muggy evening in Tripoli's walled Old City, Joma el-Shwehdi gleefully slapped campaign posters on the sides of buildings.

What was the platform of the man he was supporting? What promises had the candidate made ahead of Saturday's election for Libya's national assembly?

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NDI Releases Report Assessment on Georgia | July 2, 2012

The Messenger | Link to story  »

The National Democratic Institute (NDI) pre-election delegation made a statement on June 29. The institute outlined that the delegation’s purpose was to accurately and impartially assess the country's electoral preparedness in advance of the October parliamentary elections; review the broader political environment; examine factors that could affect the electoral process; and offer recommendations.


Mexican Election Watchdog Under Pressure in Sunday's Vote | June 30, 2012

Reuters | Link to story  »

Such irregularities would be almost impossible for electoral authorities to catch, said Julian Quibell, representative of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) in Mexico.

"These things probably happen but it's not very efficient and not very widespread," Quibell said. "It's not going to change the outcome of the national election."


The Missing 50 Percent | June 29, 2012

Foreign Policy | Link to story  »

In 2008, women assumed 56 percent of the seats in the Rwandan parliament. This represents something of a paradox. Rwanda is still navigating the path to democracy -- but women have been making a positive contribution to the country's political life nonetheless.


American NGOs Will Provide Election Monitors to Georgia | June 29, 2012

The Messenger | Link to story  »

The US Government will support election observation teams in Georgia for the forthcoming parliamentary elections in order to ensure the pre-election environment and the parliamentary elections meet international standards for free and fair elections.



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