Despite constitutional provisions calling for local elections to occur every five years, none have occurred in Malawi since 2000. In the absence of elected local representation, many Malawian citizens feel powerless to improve the quality of their lives, a focus group research study has found. Despite this frustration, Malawians still strongly embrace democratic ideals and democracy’s ability to empower citizens to participate in their own governance.

Libyans Begin to Embrace the Political Process | July 5, 2012

Washington Post | Link to story  »

On a muggy evening in Tripoli's walled Old City, Joma el-Shwehdi gleefully slapped campaign posters on the sides of buildings.

What was the platform of the man he was supporting? What promises had the candidate made ahead of Saturday's election for Libya's national assembly?

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Haiti Reconstruction, Sectoral Assembly | June 20, 2012

Haiti Libre | Link to story  »

Thanks to the technical support of National Democratic Institute (NDI) a Sectoral Assembly, was held last Saturday in the town of Petit-Goâve, in the premises of Louco Night Club, under the auspices of the Coordinating Committees on initiative of Petit Goâve (COCIPEG), a structure composed of citizens of the Civil Society.



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