Libyans at Odds Over Post-Gaddafi Charter | Jan. 7, 2013

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Libyans paid with their lives to end the 42-year dictatorship of Muammar Gaddafi, but nearly 15 months after he was killed by rebels they remain at odds over a democratic constitution to replace it.

"There is broad consensus that the new constitution should draw heavily from Islamic sharia law, but also consensus on the need to avoid extremism," said the Washington-based National Democratic Institute.


NDI-Commissioned Public Opinion Survey | Dec. 12, 2012 | Link to story  »

U.S. National Democratic Institute (NDI) released on December 12 part of its commissioned public opinion survey, conducted in second half of November, which shows respondents’ attitudes towards broad range of policy issues.

The poll also includes ratings of political parties and this segment of the survey will be released by NDI on December 17.

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NDI Will Still Continue to Carry Out Social Surveys - Luis Navaro | Oct. 22, 2012

Interpress News | Link to story  »

The National Democratic Institute Georgia Office director Luis Navarro says that people , who had not decided who to vote for shortly before elections, made their choices after the prison scandal.


MP Dialogues Focus on Land | Oct. 5, 2012

Phnom Penh Post | Link to story  »

Villagers took an increasingly vocal stand on land issues during rare opportunities to speak with National Assembly members this past year, according to the National Democratic Institute.


NDI Poll: Georgians Say Elections Were Well Run and Country Headed in Right Direction

A survey of public opinion in Georgia released by NDI shows that 79 percent of Georgians think the Oct. 1 parliamentary elections were run well compared to 12 percent who thought there was some level of falsification.


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