End Tribalism, Corruption, South Sudanese Say | Sept. 1, 2011

Voice of America | Link to story  »

"The U.S. based National Democratic Institute (NDI) has just released a study formulated from focus group discussions that took place right across the ten states of South Sudan. The study, conducted in March and April of this year, asked people what aspirations and fears they have as South Sudan emerges as a new nation.


Tunisia's Voters Cynical after 50 Years of Corruption | Aug. 13, 2011

The National | Link to story  »

"'In all the other elections they fiddled the numbers - why should elections now be any different?' The speaker, Mohamed, was slumped in a chair in his perfume shop in Sidi Hassine, a rundown suburb of Tunis. In the doorway stood Halima Mzoughi, 19, a campaigner from the Islamist Ennahda party, urging him to vote...



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