Ex-US Senator Voices Hope for Central Asia Democracy | August 19, 2010

Associated Press | Link to story  »

"A former U.S. senator says success in promoting democracy in the turbulent Central Asian nation of Kyrgyzstan could serve as a positive influence in a region dominated by dictatorships.

"Tom Daschle, a former Democratic Senate Majority leader, told The Associated Press Thursday that he hoped the international community would seize the opportunity to build democratic institutions in Kyrgyzstan."


A survey of political opinion in Georgia, released by the NDI, shows that creating jobs remains a key priority in the country. Sixty-five percent of those surveyed say it is the most important national issue, and 59 percent think that politicians are not talking enough about it. Eighty-three percent said they want their newly elected local government to focus on this topic.

The results, presented here, reflect data collected on June 24 - July 5, in face-to-face interviews with a nationwide representative sample of 2,053 Georgians.

DBI, Harvard, GIT, Hold Symposium on ICT | July 20, 2010

Vanguard | Link to story  »

"With a focus on the 2011 elections and beyond an International consortium consisting of the Digital Bridge Institute, Harvard University, Georgia Institute of Technology and the National Democratic Institute on Monday held a symposium on the topic 'ICT & Civic Engagement in Nigeria' in Abuja.



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