Bosnians Hope Sunday Vote Will Push Balkan Country Onto EU Track | Oct. 3, 2010

The Globe and Mail | Link to story  »

"In the lively heart of Sarajevo's Old Town, two small boys battle with toy guns, dodging between shoppers and bullet-pocked buildings plastered with the political slogans that read: 'People know,' and 'State for Man'...


SUNDE Conducts Civic Voter Education Southern Sudan | Sept. 27, 2010

Sudan Tribune | Link to story  »

"Sudanese Network for Democratic Election is organizing an ongoing workshop for civic voter education in Unity State. SUNDE was formed in April 2008 and its main objectives are to observe elections and conduct the voter education to the Sudanese communities...


Afghan Election Descends into War of Numbers | Sept. 26, 2010

AFP | Link to story  »

"'(The ECC is) not as transparent as it used to be,' said Andy Campbell, country head for the Washington-based National Democratic Institute.

"'I think every observer who has been involved in the process is justifiably concerned... that the impartiality and independence of the ECC may be trusted.'"

Link to story »



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