Legislatures have a critical role to play in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). This guide provides legislators with information about the EITI process and offers practical suggestions for them to encourage the government to participate and ensure that the EITI program is successful. It is designed primarily for legislators and their staff, but political leaders, government officials, civil society organizations and international actors may also find it helpful.

This report presents and analyzes key findings from the second in a series of NDI political research in Montenegro in 2008 and 2009. The current series follows on from a series of 12 polls conducted by NDI between March 2001 and March 2004 and two conducted in 2007. The 2008 series uses a changed questionnaire that reflects current issues in society and will continue with two additional polls throughout the next year. Where possible, comparisons with previous NDI research are presented.

Using case studies from numerous countries including the Czech Republic, Israel, Italy, Poland and South Africa, Legislative Oversight and Budgeting brings together scholars and practitioners to explore oversight from a variety of perspectives and legislative settings.

Note: The links below connect to the first and second sections of the document, broken into chapters listed consecutively for easier downloading.


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