Little Power for Afghans Elected to Local Councils | September 28, 2009

The Boston Globe| Link to story  »

They campaigned in the farthest corners of Afghanistan. They spent thousands of their own dollars on posters. They braved death threats from the Taliban. At least two were murdered.

But after all that, the 3,196 candidates vying for 420 seats on provincial councils across Afghanistan face another problem: Even if they win, they will be virtually powerless.


Parliament, NDI Over Technical Talks | September 28, 2009

Yemen News Agency| Link to story  »

Parliament Deputy Speaker Hameed al-Ahmar received on Monday the resident director of NDI in Yemen to discuss areas of joint cooperation between the Institute and Parliament with regards to the technical aspects.


NDI has developed a first-of-its-kind analytical framework to assess the level of “good governance” in a country. With funds from the United Nations Development Programme, NDI used the framework for a pilot assessment in Montenegro that measured the degree to which its system of governance is transparent and accountable and how it measures up against the criteria for membership in the European Union.


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