The American people's humanitarian instincts rise to the occasion whenever disasters strike, whether here or anywhere in the world. Americans expect their government to act with dispatch, efficiency and compassion. When that happens, as it did in the response to the earthquake in Haiti, there is an added bonus: the world gains an appreciation for our values and for the competence of our government.


Tsvangirai Receives NDI Award | May 12, 2010

Voice of America | Link to story  »

"The National Democratic Institute, a pro-democracy group, gave one of its highest honors to Zimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai on Monday. NDI's W. Averell Harriman Democracy Award recognizes individuals and groups who have demonstrated a commitment to democracy and human rights.


Zimbabwe Premier Tsvangirai Sees New Constitution This Year, Elections in 2011 | May 11, 2010

Voice of America | Link to story  »

"Mr. Tsvangirai said the national unity government in Harare has secured enough funds to finance the constitutional revision process and he hopes a referendum on the new basic document can be held by year's end.


Parliament Speaker praises cooperation with NDI | April 19, 2010

Saba Net | Link to story  »

"Speaker of the Parliament Yahya al-Rae'i praised on Monday the growing relations with the National Democratic Institute (NDI) for International Affairs and the joint programs co-organized by the parliament and the institute.



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