Nigeria: Senate Receives NDI, EU Delegation | Oct. 13, 2010

All Africa | Link to story  »

"The Senate Committee on the Review of the Constitution yesterday received the Washington-based National Democratic Institute (NDI) and members of the European Union (EU) exploratory mission to Nigeria in Abuja.


This study draws on contributions from numerous experts in the region and comparative election, constitutional and human rights law. Since 1995, NDI has worked with partners to advance the cause of democracy in Burma. The 2010 elections in theory could have provided an opportunity to advance democratic progress and national reconciliation, which in turn could have helped significantly improve the lives of people in Burma. Based on its analysis, NDI came to the conclusion shared by many experts that the election process will not be a step forward and risks being yet another setback.

This report highlights the importance of political participation by all citizens, male and female, in order to ensure a democratic system is inclusive and representative. It offers insight on gender commissions and caucuses while also serving as a tool to help legislators implement well-rounded practices for organization and joint initiatives in order to promote gender equality.

Georgian Lawmakers Shift Powers to Prime Minister | Oct. 1, 2010

The Associated Press | Link to story  »

"The Georgian parliament on Friday gave tentative approval to a constitutional reform that critics say is designed to let President Mikhail Saakashvili remain a political force even after his current term expires....



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