Political Parties Agree to Make Parliament Stronger | Nov. 16, 2009

The Nation| Link to story  »

Three major parties in Sindh Assembly have agreed to work together to strengthen the role of parliamentary parties to ensure that the parliament is the supreme body in a democracy.


NDI E-news: Extractive Industries, Iraq, Liberia | March 2009


March 2009

The Role of Legislators in Extractive Industry Transparency

new NDI home page  

A global initiative aimed at promoting transparency and accountability in the disposition of oil, gas and mineral resources is currently underway in 26 countries. But this global effort – the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) – has yet to include an explicit role for legislators even though they must safeguard citizens’ interests, oversee national extractive industry policies and hold governments to account.

Work on EITI is part of NDI’s ongoing effort to help nascent democratic institutions improve standards of living for citizens. The Institute’s latest initiative is a new publication, EITI Guide for Legislators: How to Support and Strengthen Resource Transparency, that focuses on the critical role lawmakers can play in stemming the frequent misuse and mismanagement of revenues from oil, gas and mining.

To mark the release of the guide, NDI Vice President Shari Bryan participated in a panel discussion on the role of legislators in the EITI process that was part of a global conference on the subject in Doha, Qatar.

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NDI Worked with Candidates Seeking Iraqi Provincial Council Seats

In advance of Jan. 31 provincial elections in Iraq, nearly 1,000 candidates took part in NDI training programs on campaign skills such as messaging and get-out-the-vote strategies.

Twelve percent of the candidates trained by NDI were elected to office and now represent 20 percent of the membership of provincial councils.

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Liberian Legislature Program Helps Bring Democracy to the People

Diplomats on Pennsylvania Avenue, watching Inauguration Day Parade  

Alexander Chavarria, NDI’s resident director in Liberia, discusses an Institute program designed to help Liberian lawmakers communicate more effectively with their constituents.

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NDI Website Features News, Commentary on Democracy Assistance

To help illuminate the ongoing global dialogue on democracy assistance, NDI’s new website features news, commentary and scholarly research on the subject along with an easily accessible library of key documents upon which democracy programs are based.

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Iran Election Bulletin Focuses on Run-up to June Election

Diplomats on Pennsylvania Avenue, watching Inauguration Day Parade  

NDI, in partnership with The

Century Foundation
, has launched a new publication with analysis and

information on the domestic political debate in href="//www.ndi.org/%3Ca%20href%3D"http://www.ndi.org/content/iran">http://www.ndi.org/content/iran" >Iran as

the Republic prepares for June presidential elections.

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New Report on Pakistan’s Tribal Areas Details Urgent Need for Democratic Rule

Unrest in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) threatens global security and underscores the urgency of establishing a democratic and constitutional system of governance there, a new report concludes.

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NDI Supports Salvadoran Partners’ Efforts to Promote Election Transparency

Recent highly competitive legislative elections in El Salvador have altered the balance of political power and foreshadow a vigorous two-party presidential contest March 15. NDI is supporting pre-election and nationwide election day observation by its Salvadoran partners.

Initial findings from Jan. 18 legislative elections »

Preview of March 15 presidential election »

The National Democratic Institute is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working to support and strengthen democratic institutions worldwide by promoting citizen participation, openness and accountability in government.



Kenya: Parties to Reveal All Cash Sources | October 5, 2009

allAfrica.com| Link to story  »

Tough rules to create transparency on election expenditure are due to to be imposed on political parties in Kenya in the very near future. The rules include a declaration of expenditure for each and every candidate supported by any party during an election from the level of councilor up to the president.



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