This handbook is an introduction to the topic of money in politics with special emphasis on the role of disclosure. The first publication entirely committed to the topic of political financial disclosure, the Money in Politics Handbook analyzes the findings of a rigorous, systematic survey of disclosure laws in 118 developed and developing countries around the world.

كتيّب عن دور المال في السياسة: دليل إلى زيادة الشفافية في الأنظمة الديمقراطية الناشئة

الناشر: سلسة المطبوعات التقنية - الوكالة الأميركية للتنمية الدولية.

This training manual provides guidelines and material for conducting a training program on building political parties, running a political campaign, and communicating a campaign message. It contains background information, model agendas, workshop activities, sample surveys and quizzes.

دليل تدريبي للأحزاب السياسية

الناشر: منشورات المعهد الديمقراطي الوطني.

In 20 years of work with political parties in more than 50 countries, the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) has seen that successful parties are those that are committed to best practices in outreach to new sectors, transparency, and internal democracy. Effective party engagement with civil society can strengthen all three of these areas as explored in this workbook for party activists and trainers.

This political party study/training manual is built on three fundamental characteristics of successful political parties, as identified by NDI through its work with political parties in over 50 countries since 1983. It sets out best practices for political parties to adopt in order to improve performance, whith party trainer modules on internal democracy, transparency and outreach. While these modules were developed for Latin American parties, they can be applied to parties worldwide.


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