This toolkit provides information and reference materials the National Democratic Institute (NDI) has used in conducting a series of legislative advocacy/engagement workshops in Liberia under its Building Citizen Centered Political Engagement program funded by the Embassy of Sweden (EOS). This toolkit provides reference and support materials, and allows its users to organize similar trainings to assist civil society groups and to lobby and advocate with individual lawmakers and the legislature as a whole on issues of importance to citizens.
NDI recently conducted 22 in-depth interviews with tribal, religious, community, and demonstration leaders in Iraq on the topic of political reconciliation, and a nation-wide public opinion survey. NDI’s research was conducted in partnership with Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research and funded by the U.K. Foreign Commonwealth Office.
In partnership with the Oslo Center for Peace and Human Rights, NDI has developed a guide to best practices in coalition-building. The publication outlines tips and practical advice for political party officials as they negotiate and work in different types of coalitions.