Political parties are a key institution in democratic practice, yet they face a crisis of representation, with recent research showing that as many as 78 percent of citizens in some countries do not identify with any political party. Many citizens view them as inaccessible and unresponsive to their concerns.

January 13, 2020

In more than 70 countries around the world, including Georgia, the National Democratic Institute works with a wide range of partners to support democratic processes. NDI does not choose sides or support particular outcomes.

NDI is implementing a program initative to identify opportunities for engagement and collaboration between youth-led organizations and political parties. As part of the initiative, NDI hosted a roundtable discussion of twenty experts in the youth and democracy development space in order to brainstorm potential solutions for bridging the divide between youth and parties. This resource is a public summary of the discussion's contents and the resulting recommendations for development practitioners.

December 2, 2019

This toolkit is designed to aid visionary, ambitious party members who are on the peripheries of power, but eager to plan and implement internal reforms aimed at improving a party’s internal democracy and electoral appeal. Taking the Wheel seeks to equip party change agents with a roadmap for the implementation strategies and soft skills needed to navigate the arduous party reform process.

September 19, 2019
April 17, 2019

Abuja, Nigeria – The ​International Republican Institute (IRI) and the ​National Democratic Institute (NDI) are currently fielding the second joint delegation to Nigeria to assess preparations for the upcoming national elections in early 2019. The assessment takes place from September 19-28, 2018.

The delegation consists of the following members:

●  Robert Benjamin, Senior Associate & Regional Director for Central and Eastern Europe, NDI (USA);


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