Democracy and the Challenge of Change

"Success without democracy is improbable, democracy without women is impossible."

~Madeleine K. Albright

Training Modules to Increase Women's Political Participation

These new training materials take best practices and approaches from NDI's work around the world and make them into a set of tools to increase the quality of training programs for women as voters, advocates, elections officials, political party members, candidates and office holders. The training materials build on the 2011 guide, Democracy and the Challenge of Change: A Guide to Increasing Women's Political Participation, a resource for democracy practitioners to help them develop and carry out effective programs to bring more women in government and politics. 

DCC Cover

The training materials cover the following topics: 

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Women, Technology and Exploring the Line between Empowerment and Manipulation | May 29, 2013

Washington Post | Link to story  »

What can and should be done to increase women’s access to technology in the world, and, once they have access to it, where does empowerment stop and manipulation begin?



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