Too Few Women in the Ukrainian Parliament | Dec. 14, 2012

Kyiv Post | Link to story  »

There would have been fewer fights in the Ukrainian parliament if more women were among the deputies. At least female parliamentarians were not seen taking part in the multiple brawls that marked the first working days of Ukraine’s newly elected legislature this week.


Forum National des Femmes : Pour une Pleine Participation des Maliennes à la Transition | Nov. 30, 2012

MaliJet | Link to story  »

Le forum qui s’achève aujourd’hui vise à créer les voies pour une pleine participation des femmes dans le processus de transition au Mali. Il a été organisé par l’Institut national pour la démocratie (NDI) en partenariat avec le Causus des femmes élues locales du Mali (CFELM) avec l’appui financier de l’ambassade du Royaume de Danemark au Mali.


NDI Hosts a Conference on Women’s Involvement in Politics | Nov. 16, 2012

The Messenger Online | Link to story  »

The National Democratic Institute (NDI) hosted a conference called "Win with Women: Strengthen Political Parties" at the Tbilisi Marriott Hotel on November 15th.


Elections Locales : Des Femmes Politiques Sollicitent l`Appui de l`Etat | Oct. 25, 2012

Abidjan.Net | Link to story  »

Une trentaine de femmes issues de plus de quinze partis politiques ivoiriens, ont appelé, mercredi, les autorités ivoiriennes à les appuyer dans le cadre des prochaines élections municipales et régionales en Côte d’Ivoire.


CGG Trains Women Candidates | Oct. 5, 2012

Awoko | Link to story  »

Campaign for Good Governance, (CGG) with support from the National Democratic Institute (NDI), United Nations Development Fund (UNDP) and United States Agency (USAID) yesterday commenced a two-day training at the Hill Valley Hotel for women candidates, who are contesting the local council elections in November this year.


Albright Arrives in Pristina | Oct. 4, 2012

M-Magazine | Link to story  »

Madeleine Albright, the guest of honor at the International Women's Summit, which begins today in Pristina, has arrived in Kosovo

Former U.S. Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, is welcomed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo, Enver Hoxhaj at Pristina International Airport "Adem Jashari”.

Link to story »



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