TBILISI - Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili remains the most popular political leader in Georgia with a 69 percent approval rating, while 52 percent rate the Georgian Dream Coalition as the “party” closest to them, according to the findings of a public opinion survey released here today by the National Democratic Institute (NDI). Forty-seven percent named the United National Movement (UNM) as the strongest opposition party in the country.

TBILISI – A survey of public opinion in Georgia, released today by the National Democratic Institute (NDI), shows that by a 62 to 27 percent margin Georgians see the current government as making changes that matter to them. Jobs continue to be the highest priority issue with 61 percent ranking it as number one, while territorial integrity and affordable healthcare are the second and third priority issues at 34 and 30 percent respectively.

Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili continues to be the most popular political leader in Georgia, and 60 percent rate the Georgian Dream Coalition as the “party” closest to them, according to the findings of a public opinion survey released here today by the National Democratic Institute (NDI). Fifty-six percent named the United National Movement (UNM) as the strongest opposition party in the country.

Tsulukiani and Alasania on Official Visits Abroad | Feb. 22, 2013

The Messenger | Link to story  »

Minister of Justice Thea Tsulukiani is paying an official visit to the U.S. On the first day of the visit the Minister held meetings with the President of National Democratic Institute (NDI) Kenneth Wollack, as well as with the President of the National Endowment for Democracy Carl Gershman.


80% of Georgians Appprove of Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili | Dec. 17, 2012

Georgia Online | Link to story  »

According to a public opinion poll conducted by the National Democratic Institute, majority of Georgian express their sympathy to the Patriarch, Ilia II, with 93 percent of questioned. Leeade in political sympathy, with 80% became Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili and only 29% are in favor of President Mikheil Saakashvili.

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