Monrovia, Liberia – The National Democratic Institute (NDI) will release findings from its international election observation mission for the 2017 presidential and legislative Liberian elections at 11:30 am on Thursday, October 12, 2017 at the Royal Grand Hotel. 

NDI’s 34 member delegation deployed observers in 15 counties across Liberia and is being led by:

September 25, 2017

Liberia International Election Observation Mission


The 2017 national elections in Liberia represented a milestone in the history of Liberia as the country witnessed the first peaceful transition of power from one elected president to another. The elections also ushered in a historic level of newly elected representatives to the Liberian House of Representatives.

Liberians have celebrated more than fifteen years of peace since their civil war ended, transitioning from a country seeking stability to one focused on transformation. The National Democratic Institute (NDI) is supporting legislative structures and civil society organizations (CSOs) to address the issues that most greatly affect Liberians as the country heads into elections in 2023.


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