Democracy in the Former Soviet Republics | Sept. 29, 2012

New York Times | Link to story  »

No leader of the former Soviet republics has been more pro-Western than President Mikheil Saakashvili of Georgia. He moves easily in Washington and dreams of bringing his country into full NATO membership. But his government’s handling of prisons and its approach to parliamentary elections set for Monday are raising doubts about his commitment to democracy and reform.


Georgia Abuse Outcry Lifts Russia-Linked Billionaire in Vote | Sept. 28, 2012

Human Events | Link to story  »

Public outcry over the rape and beating of prisoners in a Georgian prison is threatening the nine-year rule of U.S. ally President Mikheil Saakashvili in Oct. 1 parliamentary elections...


Decision Time? | Sept. 26, 2012

Kyiv Post | Link to story  »

There is a lot riding on Ukraine’s Oct. 28 parliamentary elections, and what happens between now and election day is just as important as the vote itself. But can Ukraine get it right?


The Coalition of Domestic Election Observers (CODEO) deployed about 4,500 trained, accredited, nonpartisan rapid response observers throughout Ghana. Of this figure, 1,500 were parallel vote tabulation (PVT) observers. These observers were Ghanaians, from every walk of life, who volunteered their time to help ensure that every registered voter could freely cast his or her ballot on election day. This enabled the people of Ghana to have independent, nonpartisan information on the conduct of these elections.


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