Jordan: Observers Praise Vote but Urge Deeper Electoral Reform | Jan. 25, 2013

CNN | Link to story  »

Observers who for the first time were allowed to monitor elections in Jordan said Friday that the vote showed a marked improvement from past polls, but there is still some way to go.

An international team fielded by the National Democratic Institute, made up of 50 observers from 29 countries, highlighted "shortcomings and irregularities," as well as certain systemic problems.


Loyalists to Dominate Jordan’s New Parliament | Jan. 24, 2013

New York Times | Link to story  »

The new 150-seat Parliament here will include members arrested just days before the elections on charges of vote-buying, and a cast of government loyalists will dominate a body long seen by Jordanians as being as corrupt as it is inept.


Democratic Institute, EU Delegations Dispatched to Observe Polls | Jan. 20, 2013

Zawya | Link to story  »

The National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) will dispatch a mission to observe Wednesday's parliamentary elections.
The NDI said the delegation will include 50 observers from 29 countries, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported.


NDI to Observe Parliamentary Elections | Jan. 18, 2013

Petra News Agency | Link to story  »

The National Democratic Institute (NDI) will field an international observation delegation for the Jan. 23 parliamentary elections in Jordan, the NDI said in a statement issued on Friday.



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