According to its statement on the parallel vote tabulation and observation of the voting process in Kenya, ELOG is confident that the election day process has been generally credible. It calls on the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) to immediately make public any information relevant and material to the results as announced. More specifically, ELOG calls on the IEBC to make public the individual results from all polling streams.

Kenya: IEBC Must Fix the Results Transmission System Fast | Feb. 19, 2013

The Star | Link to story  »

Last Sunday night, Citizen TV's 'Kibaki Succession' segment on its 9pm 'Sunday Live' programme featured not the usual discussion by David Makali and Peter Opondo of the week's events, but instead host Julie Gichuru interviewing the chairman of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), Issack Hassan.


OAS Celebrates 50 Years of ‘Electoral Observance’ | Feb. 11, 2013

Merco Press | Link to story  »

Electoral observance “serves to build the foundations of Latin American democracy” said Organization of American States, OAS, Secretary General Jose Miguel Inuslza during opening remarks at a Roundtable entitled “International Election Observation: Progress and Challenges,” held at OAS headquarters in Washington, DC.


Jordan’s Year Long Vote for Regime or Revolt | Jan. 29, 2013

Diplomatic Courier | Link to story  »

Meanwhile, much of the public seems disengaged. NDI’s recent pre-election assessment notes the general indifference about the elections from citizens across the political spectrum in Jordan.



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