The National Democratic Institute (NDI) developed this comprehensive guide on the management and execution of transitions of power. This unique resource was developed by experts and former officials with direct experience managing transitions across different political contexts and geographical regions.

The National Democratic Institute’s (NDI’s) guide on Supporting Social Accountability Campaigns with Sample-Based Observation is a resource for social accountability advocates to determine when and how to utilize sample-based observation (SBO) to strengthen their advocacy campaigns where processes can be independently observed, objectively measured and are large enough in scale to be sampled.

This guidebook aims to help municipal leaders with the drive to embark on digital transformation programs design, implement, and manage successful technology projects.

Part 1 of this guide provides guidance on overall project strategy for mayors and other government officials, while Part 2 is written for project implementers and provides best practices on project scoping, gathering public input, working with vendors and other external partners, and more. Each topic includes key guiding questions, relevant tools, and other external resources for reference.

In 2016 at the launch of the #NotTheCost campaign, NDI presented a list of strategies to address and prevent violence against women in politics, focusing on a wide range of potential changemakers, from the global to the grassroots levels. While a deeper understanding of the issue has emerged, new problems have arisen. The world is grappling with a global pandemic. Many countries have seen their democratic institutions severely weakened. Technological innovations have created new contexts and means of perpetrating violence against women.

This toolkit -- Youth Activism for Lebanese Accountability: An Inclusive Civic Engagement Training Curriculum -- is about creating change through activism and accountability. It is about creating change at the individual, institutional, and socio-political level by providing young people with the knowledge and skills to help shape the future of their country. It was developed at a time when the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) was witnessing the second wave of mass protests movements led by youth and women.

The democracy support community implements a wide range of programming to promote more competitive and representative multiparty systems. Traditionally, these political party programs have focused on improving the capacity of party activists and political leaders to: conduct citizen outreach; represent different societal groups, including marginalized communities; develop and pursue public policy proposals; recruit and nominate candidates; compete in elections; and form governments.


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